Prices online, apply to physical stock that is available to purchase in store at the time and date of the advertisement. Due to market conditions, we cannot guarantee that similar, subsequent items will be available at the same price.
Tender Disposals cannot be held responsible for:
• Normal wear and tear
• Damage arising from improper assembly or modification
• Damage arising from abnormal use or abuse
• Damage, wear and tear as a result of improper or lack of maintenance and/or care (e.g. fabric, leather or timber)
• Damage to external or product packaging only
• Damage occuring during your own handling and transportation of goods from collection.
• Insignificant minor variations in dimensions, colour, grain or finish
• Insignificant minor imperfections or superficial blemishes
• Pilling in fabric
You may not be entitled to a Refund or Exchange if:
• We do not offer returns or refunds unless otherwise stated.
• We do not own the stock we sell (we sell on behalf of vendors) and therefore cannot offer warranty on stock.
• Vendors send stock through heavily discounted, and as such do not offer warranties.
• Electrical items will have a minimum 24 hour return to base exchange, unless otherwise stated.
• If you have an issue with a product and have been advised to return stock to the store for repair/replacement, it is the customer’s responsibility to physically return stock to the store. We do no have the facilities to collect.
• Stock must be collected within 3 days of purchase, or the date noted on your invoice. After this time, storage costs can apply.
• Goods may be deemed abandoned and resold to cover storage costs if no reasonable contact or attempt to collect has been made.
• Tender Disposals staff are not allowed to load items into vehicles for insurance purposes. Please bring help with you to assist in loading.
• Customers must bring their invoice or a copy of the invoice in order to collect. If the customer or hired driver cannot produce an invoice, a copy of the invoice, or a photograph of the invoice they will not be allowed to collect stock.